Due to changing climate, it was forcasted that most regions in Thailand would turn very cold as the effect of La Niña phenomenon from end of 2020 to early 2021. This would likely to affect the people in the highland to suffer from the sudden lower temperature, especially the vulnerable and weak persons who were sensitive and easily catch cold and flu in the cold season should they not be well prepared.
COERR had been much concerned about the changing weather and its effect towards the vulnerable groups of elderly and children in 9 temporary shelters and deem it necessary to equip them with sweaters as their protection against coldness.
Therefore, in January 2021, COERR distributed 5,951 sweaters to the vulnerable children and elderly displaced persons in Ban Mae La, Ban Umpiem and Ban Nupo Temporary Shelters in Tak Province; 3,293 sweaters to the vulnerable groups in Ban Mae Lama Luang and Ban Mae La Oon in Mae Hong Son Province’s Sob Moei District; 1,319 sweaters to the vulnerable groups in Ban Mae Surin, Khun Yuam District, and Ban Mai Nai Soi in Mae Hong Son’s Mueng District; 844 sweaters to the vulnerable groups in Ban Tham Hin in Ratchaburi and 495 to the vulnerable groups in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter in Kanchanaburi Province.
Staff were seen checking the sweaters before distribution

Sweaters Distributed to the Vulnerables in Ban Umpiem Temporary Shelter, Tak Province

Vulnerable Children in Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter in Tak Province were seen Wearing COERR Sweaters
